Dr. Mariam Ghazvini Edd

Dr. Ghazvini is an organizational development, career, and educational planning professional. She has over 40 years of experience in retail, high-tech manufacturing, corporate training, and non-profit program development and delivery. Currently, she is Director of Career and Placement Affairs at San Francisco Bay University in Fremont. She specializes in leadership development, Organizational Behavior and career planning. In addition, Dr. Ghazvini career coached for Right Management Consultants as well as teaching at Mission and San Jose City Colleges. Previously, she served on the Board of Directors of the HP Alumni Association and Springboard Forward, as well as the MBA Advisory Board for Notre Dame de Namur University.

Her current research is focused on gender equity specifically why women are not represented at higher levels on Board of Directors.

She holds:

  • Ed.D., Education Leadership, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

  • MBA, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Fremont, CA

  • M.A., Counseling, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara CA

  • M.A., Administration Higher Education, San Jose State University

  • B.A., Sociology, San Jose State University